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Leap of faith

Building my own blog with Eleventy

André Seiji

So, I decided not just to write content but also to write more code.

Get things going #

I decided to start blogging in 2024, but in a way similar to the early days of the web. Instead of going for a larger and consolidated platform, such as Medium or Substack, I wanted to make a website where I would have full control over all content, including its code.

While using a blogging platform would facilitate a lot of features, there is something incredibly fulfilling about making it "from scratch" (I am using 11ty and a template, more on that in the next section). I am taking a leap of faith that this will be a scalable and always performant, future-proof blog.

For my future self and anyone interested, I am logging here a screenshot of the current look and feel of this blog, because it will change very soon.

Oken Labs site screenshot taken on 29 February 2024

Build your own blog #

If you want to start your own blog and own the code, I definitely recommend checking the official eleventy-base-blog template on GitHub.

I was originally going to start from scratch, without a template, just a basic 11ty setup to generate static web content. However, there are a lot of useful features that the template brings out of the box; you can check all of them here.

Anyway, thanks to all 11ty contributors for the amazing tooling.